IRS Wednesday Golf League Newsletter

Week 14 – July 26, 2017


Good day for some on the course, others not so good, as only 50% of the teams won their matches.   Competition between A Division vs. D Division and B Division vs. C Division is over.  Next up is inner Division competition which could change the lead and seeding in all divisions. 

Position Round 3 is scheduled for August 23rd.  Divisions were pulled out of the hat, and the following is the results:

Front Nine: 

·        3:39 & 3:48 - Division B – 3rd place vs. 4th place.

·        3:57 & 4:06 – Division B – 1st place vs. 2nd place.

·        4:15 & 4:24 – Division C – 3rd place vs. 4th place.

·        4:33 & 4:42 – Division C – 1st place vs. 2nd place.

Back Nine:

·        3:39 & 3:48 - Division D – 3rd place vs. 4th place.

·        3:57 & 4:06 – Division D – 1st place vs. 2nd place.

·        4:15 & 4:24 – Division A – 3rd place vs. 4th place.

·        4:33 & 4:42 – Division A – 1st place vs. 2nd place.

Update from Treasurer Chuck Reckers:  all regulars are current with their league fees.  Thanks.

League Outing info: 

League Outing is scheduled for September 8, 2017, at A.J. Jolly Golf Course.  Shotgun start at 10 a.m.  Cost this year will be the same as last year.  Caterer will be the same (menu will be Steak, Chicken Breast, Salad, Sides, and Dessert) cost is also same as last year.  Golf fee includes golf, cart, beverages, lunch, and door prizes.

·        Regulars – Golf and Dinner:  $70.00; Golf only: $55.00

·        Subs/Guest – Golf and Dinner: $80.00; Golf only: $65.00

Get the word out to your subs/guest/etc. that Team Anderson will be taking sign-ups (more info to follow via e-mail). 

League Scramble: 

League Scramble is scheduled for August 30 (this is a paid week).  Scramble committee is Frank Leirey/Tom Schumacher, Jim Bramlage, John Freeman.  League President Tom Schumacher is working on the format and will have that out in the near future.

In the clubhouse this week was Mr. Erich Kientz.  Good to see him.  His team needs him.

This week we had 9 subs:  Larry Oliver (for Team Vaughn), Mary Jo Leirey (for Team Vaughn), Bob Kendrach (for Team Buescher), Matt McRoberts (for Team Buescher), Don Potter (for Team Freeman), Izzy Jewell (for Team Kiffmeyer), Kelly Johnson (for Team Halpin), Kevin Schumacher (for Team Bramlage), and Dave Spaeth (for Team Breen). Thanks for being there.

Good rounds this week were: 

Front – Mark Halpin – 36, Larry Oliver - 39.

Back – Boyd Marley – 37, Kevin Bachmann - 37.


Match of the Weak:

Too many to mention here but I will mention that Team Vaughn brought in 2 ringers to try and defeat Team Pfeiffer.  This barely worked as Team Vaughn barely got team medal and final score was Team Vaughn 46 points to Team Pfeiffer 44 points. 

Team Halpin has to be mentioned here also as Jimmy Smith knew the odds were not in his favor for another win and brought in Mrs. Kelly Johnson to take down Mr. Zachritz and Team Patmann.  Seems Mr. Informant (from Team Schumacher) must have gotten to Mrs. Johnson and Team Halpin falters yet again.


Sandbaggers of the Weak: (5.0 greater or less):


Most Under Average:

Mike Schwarberg shoots 42 (9.2 under average), Mark Halpin shoots 36 (8.0 under average), Sherrill Swann shoots 56 (7.7 under average), Boyd Marley shoots 37 (5.6 under average), Charlie (I did it again) Halpin shoots 43 (5.3 under average).


Most Over Average (or is that getting the average up for the home stretch):

Ed Miller shoots 51 (8.1 over average), Kelly Johnson shoots 50 (7.7 over average), Tom (no email) Nienaber shoots 51 (6.6 over average), Dale (long putt) Goodwin shoots 55 (5.5 over average), Jim Bram-la-ge shoots 48 (5.4 over average), Jim (not in skins) Grassinger shoots 48 (5.1 over average), Bob (in the trees) Kendrach shoots 55 (5.0 over average), Melody Oswalt shoots 57 (5.0 over average).


Status of the Almighty Fork:

No one to add this week but the Fork is sharpened and ready. Still on notice are Team Flynn and Team Slye.


Week 6 - Team Schumacher. 

Week 9 – Team Freeman, Team Patmann, Team Breen.

Week 13 – Team Buescher.


Division Standings:

o   Division A has Team Kiffmeyer surprisingly still holding the lead and the #3 Seed.  Defending Champs Team Bramlage is now only a half point out.  Team Schumacher lags behind and is now 37 points out of the lead.  Team Patmann brings in 4th (113.5 points out) and is no longer at the top of upside down list.  My thoughts here is only the A Division winner will have a seeded position.

o   Division B has Team Pfeiffer still in the lead and #4 Seed.  Team Kientz comes in second and fell to 10.5 points out of the lead.  Team Flynn still holds 3rd and is now 56.5 points out.  Team Buescher keeps dropping back and is now 94 points out of the lead.  My thoughts here is only seeded position will be the division winner.

o   Division C has Team Anderson (The Purple Shirts) holding their lead and the #1 Seed.   Team Harms (#5 Seed) trails behind and is now 49.5 points out.  Team Vaughn brings in 3rd and holds the #6 Seed and is now 95.5 points out.  Team Freeman brings in 4th and is working good at being the spoiler.  My thoughts here is Team Anderson will definitely be in the play-offs, Team Harms and Team Vaughn are possible seeded positions.

o   Division D has Team Leirey still holding their lead and the #2 seed.  Team Halpin in 2nd place and is only 26.5 points out of the lead (18 points out of seeding).  Team Slye brings in 3rd and is hanging back at 72 points out of the lead (63.5 out of seeding).   Team Breen comes in 4th and can definitely be a spoiler.  My thoughts here is Team Halpin will go berserk and take the division lead back while Team Leirey and Team Slye attempt to take a seeded spot.


Current Seeding:

1.     Team Anderson

2.     Team Leirey

3.     Team Kiffmeyer

4.     Team Pfeiffer

5.     Team Harms

6.     Team Vaughn


Heard in the Clubhouse:

From Mr. Mark Halpin: “That’s the best round I ever shot.”

From Mr. Wayne Witt:  “@#$#^^%%$@!@#.”

From Mr. Informant:  “I told her to do that.”

From Farlon Smith:  Whaaat

From Mr. Erich Kientz:  “I’ll be back.”  “Maybe in a couple of weeks.”


Question for the Weak/Thoughts to Ponder:

Why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with?
Why do they call it "raw sewage"? Is there any other kind?
How come toy hippos are always blue, or purple, when real hippos are brown?
Why don't woodpeckers get headaches when they slam their head on a tree all day?
Why is tuna sometimes called "tuna fish"? Chicken is never called "chicken bird".
If an escalator breaks down, does it become stairs?
Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey?
Do stuttering people stutter when they're thinking to themselves?
Did they have antiques in the olden days?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Why does a priceless object cost more than a pricey one?
With so many rivers running into the ocean, why doesn't the water level rise?
What are the handles for corn on the cob called?


Summary of Rounds Played – July 26, 2017












Match Results






















































Mark Halpin



Boyd Marley & Kevin Bachmann


Eagle/Hole in One


Eagle/Hole in One Pool

$2.00 was added to the Eagle pool.  The pool now has $96.00 in it. (Note:  Must be in Skins to win Eagle Pot.)



Cecil Begley

Skin -- $25.00


Jay Broadus & Tom Nienaber

Not in Skins


Mark Halpin

Skin -- $25.00


Boyd Marley

Skin -- $30.00


Kevin Bachmann

Skin -- $30.00


Clyde Barnes

Not in Skins

Note: To all Team Captains or those regulars that complete the “Point Sheet” after the match is completed, please ensure that all birdies are recorded on the “Point Sheet”.

Other Skins




Don Buescher



Jim Westcott



Boyd Marley


Closest to Pin 2nd Shot


Boyd Marley


Long Putt


Mark Halpin



Kevin Schumacher


Money Leaders -- Top 10 & Ties

Bachmann, Kevin

 $    152.00

Slye, Mark

 $    152.00

Halpin, Mark

 $    131.00

Ruehl, Steve

 $    110.00

Vaughn, Ray

 $    110.00

Goodwin, Dale

 $    107.00

Reckers, Chuck

 $      99.00

Marley, Boyd

 $      91.00

Buescher, Patrick

 $      90.00

Donlin, Mike

 $      77.00

Leirey, Frank

 $      77.00

Skins—Greenies—Long Putt

Most of the regulars and subs in the league know about Skins, Greenies, and Long Putt. For those that do not, each week there will be a sheet and a box on one of the tables in the clubhouse.  The sheet will have the names of all the regulars and blank lines at the bottom for subs to write in their names. $3.00 entry fee for Skins; $1.00 entry fee for Greenies and $1.00 entry fee for Long Putt.  Place a check mark for each category for which you are participating.  If the Briefcase is not out notate on your scorecard your intent to play and pay when you complete your match.  First teams out please take the markers, last teams in please bring markers in.

Newsletter provided by:

Charles Halpin

IRS Golf League Secretary                                                                                                            


Breaking news: Mr. Bram-la-ge throws his name in for Secretary/President 2018.  Election campaign is to better the averaging system and tee off boxes, and better serve the national interest.  My suggestion is anyone with an average below say 44 should move to the Blue tee boxes, 45 and above to the White tee boxes, and only women and those men over age 80 on the forward tees.  Complaint Chairman Bill (still no skins) Zachritz still losing out on long putt and greenies again and again and again.  Just keep kindly donating as you and Mr. Schwarberg might win one of these days (not).  Mr. Ed Kiffmeyer now has some competition for secretary & president for 2018.  Maybe Mr. Kiff as president and Mr. Bram-la-ge as secretary.  Jay Ackerman’s name removed for league treasurer 2018 as Mr. Fredrickson would be a better choice.  This paragraph may or may not have many or no errors.   As always, read at your own risk, especially this line as some have suffered severe eye strain… or loss of motion from falling over laughing…or severe shock……..side note:  if you don’t like what is in this paragraph do not expand the print.