IRS Wednesday Golf League Newsletter

Week 12 – July 12, 2017

Sad news to report. Michelle Kahut, daughter of Terry Buelow, passed away last night after a long battle with Huntington’s Disease at age 49.  A private service will be held at the convenience of the family.  Our sympathy goes out to Terry and his wife Diana.

Treasurer Chuck Reckers reports that there are still 4 outstanding on league fees.  Please remember to bring next week.  Pouches will be in the briefcase to put checks in (payable to IRS Golf League).  Chuck thanks those that are paid in full.  Questions concerning the fees please contact Chuck at email:

This week we had 5 subs:  Brian Kelly (for Team Buescher), Mary Jo Leirey (for Team Pfeiffer), Steve Ruehl (for Team Schumacher), Kelly Johnson (for Team Schumacher), and Greg Arkle (for Team Harms).  Thanks for being there.

Good rounds this week were: 

Front – Lee Crouch – 37, Kevin (Greenie) Bachmann - 38.

Back – Steve Ruehl - 38.


Match of the Weak:

Team match would definitely be the match between Defending Champs Team Bramlage and Team Kiffmeyer.  Team Kiffmeyer wins match with 3 players over average and one player .9 under average.  As Team Bramlage all shot more over their average. 

Individual match would be Team Captains Tom Schumacher versus Charlie Patmann.  Charlie gets 7 from Tom, shoots a 54 (4.7 over his average) but takes the match from Col. Schu shooting a 47 (5.2 over his average).


Sandbaggers of the Weak: (5.0 greater or less):


Most Under Average:

Patrick Buescher shoots 40 (6.7 under average), Lee Crouch shoots 37 (6.7 under average).


Most Over Average:

Brian Kelly shoots 60 (10.0 over average), Greg Arkle shoots 52 (9.1 over average), Farlon (Toyota) Smith shoots 52 (7.0 over average), Gene Pfeiffer shoots 58 (5.9 over average), John Freeman shoots 54 (5.9 over average), Ron Michael shoots 54 (5.7 over average), Steve Duddey shoots 48 (5.6 over average), President Tom (Col) Schumacher shoots 47 (5.2 over average), Tim Andrew shoots 50 (5.0 over average.


Status of the Almighty Fork: 

Week 6 - Team Schumacher. 

Week 9 – Team Freeman, Team Patmann, Team Breen.

On notice after their performance in the position round is Team Buescher and Team Bramlage.


Position Round Prediction/Results:

Division A:

·        Team Bramlage vs. Team Kiffmeyer:  I predict Team Kiffmeyer will finally take the lead from Defending Champs Team Bramlage and we will see Mr. Ed Kiffmeyer dancing on the clubhouse tables as Mr. Ackerman, Warren, & Gindele sing.  

o   I was mostly right on this as Team Kiffmeyer took the lead away from Team Bramlage, but Mr. Kiffmeyer couldn’t dance on the table (didn’t want to mess up his new hip).

·        Team Schumacher vs. Team Patmann:  I predict Team Patmann as the winner as Mr. Bill (complaint committee) Zachritz returns and drives the League President crazy on the course and the informant goes silent. 

o   The only thing I got right on this was Mr. Zachritz driving the League President Col. Schu crazy.  Team Schumacher did bring in two subs (informant was missing) to take down Team Patmann. 

Division B:

·        Team Pfeiffer vs. Team Kientz:  my prediction is that Team Pfeiffer will continue to expand their lead (and get the recap correct) and send Team Kientz to the division cellar.

o   I missed the call on this except the recap was correct.  Team Pfeiffer brought in ringer Mary Jo Leirey but Team Kientz took a big win and narrowed the gap for the lead.  At the same time Mr. Cecil Begley put his name in the hat for 2018 (always read the fine print).

·        Team Flynn vs. Team Buescher should be a split as they both move up a position as Team Kientz moves down.

o    Team Buescher brought in some help (Brian Kelly) but to no avail and to my surprise Team Flynn took a big win but still tagging behind Team Kientz.

Division C:

·        Team Harms vs. Team Anderson (the shirts):  I see Team Harms taking a big win as Mr. Mike Sullivan starts another win streak and Team Anderson gets their shirts mixed up and drop to 3rd place and out of seeding.

o   Well the part about the shirts was right, the rest surprised me.  Mike Sullivan shot under his average again but couldn’t pull out a win.  Team Anderson with their shirts all mixed up must have confused Team Harms as Team Anderson takes a big win and moves back up to #1 Seed.

·        Team Vaughn vs. Team Freeman:  should see Team Vaughn making sure that Team Freeman keeps their place on the upside down list and Team Vaughn takes over 2nd place and 6th seed. 

o   How did I get this wrong.  Team Freeman took Team Vaughn down severely and Team Freeman moves out of their position at the top of the upside down list, and Team Vaughn not moving into a seeded position.

Division D:

·        Team Leirey vs. Team Halpin:  I am sort of partial on this but with Jimmy Smith and Rafael Gonzalez back my prediction is Team Halpin destroys Team Leirey (sorry Frank) and takes the division lead back. 

o   Wow, got this really wrong.  I was right about Jimmy Smith & Rafael Gonzalez back (both took wins and remain on top of the win/loss and points listings).  Little did I know that Team Leirey brought out their best and the other half of my team collapsed.

·        Team Slye vs. Team Breen:  I will call a split here as Mr. Skin Slye and Mr. Greenie Bachmann both shoot 53 instead of 35 and the Mr. Breen’s both shoot 35 instead of 53. 

o   Not the match I thought as Team Slye tried to take Team Breen down with only 3 players.  Lee Crouch shot 37 to pretty much ensure a win for Team Breen.


Division Standings:

o   Division A has Team Kiffmeyer taking the lead and the #3 Seed.  Defending Champs Team Bramlage falls to second and 17.5 points out.  Team Schumacher with another big win is only 42.5 points out of the lead.  Team Patmann brings in 4th and in a commanding lead on the upside down list. 

o   Division B has Team Pfeiffer still in the lead but dropping to #4 Seed.  Team Kientz with a nice win is only 23 points out of the lead.  Team Flynn still holds 3rd and only 32.5 points out.  Team Buescher is still falling out (dropped a half point) and are now 73 points out of the lead. 

o   Division C has Team Anderson (The Shirts) taking the lead and gaining the #1 Seed back.   Team Harms drops to 2nd and the #5 Seed (61.5 points out).  Team Vaughn brings in 3rd and lost some ground  but 28 points out from a seeding.  Team Freeman brings in 4th and has secured their placing in the Scramble.

o   Division D has Team Leirey advancing their lead and holding the #2 seed.  Team Halpin still in 2nd place and #6 Seed only 24.5 points out of the lead.  Team Slye brings in 3rd but losing ground (78.5 points out of the lead).   Team Breen comes in 4th and is trying to make a come-back but could be too late.


Current Seeding:

1.     Team Anderson

2.     Team Leirey

3.     Team Kiffmeyer

4.     Team Pfeiffer

5.     Team Harms

6.     Team Halpin


Heard in the Clubhouse:

Bill Zachritz finally won a long putt as Mr. Dale (Long Putt) Goodwin was not present this week.

Read the fine print.

Mike Schwarberg after donating to the Skins every week has finally received an envelope with a coupon.  Thank you for your support.


Question for the Weak/Thoughts to Ponder:

·        If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?

·        If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?

·        If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?

·        If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?

·        If tin whistles are made out of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

·        If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?

·        If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?

·        If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

·        Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a running child?

·        Why do they call it "chili" if it's hot?


Summary of Rounds Played – July 12, 2017












Match Results






















































Lee Crouch



Steve Ruehl


Eagle/Hole in One


Eagle/Hole in One Pool

There were no skins on the front nine, $51.00 was added to the Eagle pool.  The pool now has $92.00 in it.



Don Buescher & Jim Westcott

Both in Skins


Jim Grassinger

Not in Skins


Tom Nienaber & Mary Jo Leirey

Not in Skins


Lee Crouch

Not in Skins


Jim Hill

Not in Skins


Steve Ruehl

Skin -- $27.00

Note: To all Team Captains or those regulars that complete the “Point Sheet” after the match is completed, please ensure that all birdies are recorded on the “Point Sheet”.

Other Skins


Ron Michael

Skin – $27.00




Kevin Bachmann



Charlie Halpin



Ray Vaughn


Closest to Pin 2nd Shot


Ray Vaughn


Long Putt


Kevin Bachmann



Bill Zachritz


Money Leaders -- Top 10 & Ties

Slye, Mark

 $    136.00

Ruehl, Steve

 $    110.00

Goodwin, Dale

 $    107.00

Bachmann, Kevin

 $    104.00

Reckers, Chuck

 $      99.00

Buescher, Patrick

 $      90.00

Halpin, Mark

 $      86.00

Donlin, Mike

 $      77.00

Leirey, Frank

 $      77.00

Vaughn, Ray

 $      76.00

Skins—Greenies—Long Putt

Most of the regulars and subs in the league know about Skins, Greenies, and Long Putt. For those that do not, each week there will be a sheet and a box on one of the tables in the clubhouse.  The sheet will have the names of all the regulars and blank lines at the bottom for subs to write in their names. $3.00 entry fee for Skins; $1.00 entry fee for Greenies and $1.00 entry fee for Long Putt.  Place a check mark for each category for which you are participating.  If the Briefcase is not out notate on your scorecard your intent to play and pay when you complete your match.  First teams out please take the markers, last teams in please bring markers in.

Newsletter provided by:

Charles Halpin

IRS Golf League Secretary                                                                                                             


Breaking news:.....Complaint Chairman Bill Z still returns to many or none complaints.  Cecil Begley submits his name for nomination for editor and chief (secretary) for 2018 so he can get the predictions correct.  Mr. Bill Zachritz reports that he finally won a long putt since Dale Goodwin was not present.  This newletter may or may not have errors, may incriminate some, or may not.  Read at your own risk…………..