IRS Wednesday Golf League Newsletter

Week 11, July 6, 2022


I hope I am not the only one in our golf league that, on Wednesday mornings, I look up at the sky ask the Golfing Gods what they have in store for our league later this afternoon.  I got to the course about 2:50 PM and went inside and put all the information (money envelopes, averages, skins sheets, etc.) on the tables alongside the windows and then picked up the front and back 9 markers (3 each) and began getting them ready for the 1st tee off groups to take with them.  Don’t recall exactly when the heavy rains came but it must have been about 3:10 or 3:15.  T.J. Blanford, California’s Golf Pro was there and I talked to him about the latest weather forecast he had.  He showed me on his cell phone what the radar was showing and it did not look good.  He told me that, based on what he was looking at, he didn’t believe that, because of the heavy rains still expected plus all the lightning in the area, he would be able to let anyone go out and play the course until at least 5:00 PM and possibly not until 5:30 PM.  He pointed out that, at this point, there was quite a bit of standing water on the course and that as well would have to be taken into consideration of when to let players go out.  He also mentioned that, depending on what happens between now and later, he may have to close the course.

By this time several of the team captains were asking me to get all the team captains together and have a vote on whether or not to call a rain out.  Some of our team captains had not arrived at the course yet (League President Lee Crouch was one of them) but we did have 12 team captains present.  I asked all team captains to meet with me over by the golf pro shop (somewhat quieter there) and 11 of the 12 captains met.  One team captain decided not to join the meeting.  I shared with everyone what T.J. and I discussed and we conducted a vote.  All 11 voted to declare a rain out.  And that was it.

I understand that the course did open for play at around 5:22 PM and some of our players did go out and play.  I further understand that some of our players and possibly many were not happy with the rain out decision.  Having played in this league since 1976 there have been a few times when rain outs were called by the League President by 2:30 PM based on bad weather forecasts only to have clouds disappear and Mr. Sun come out and lavish the course with beautiful rays of sunshine all afternoon and evening.  These situations always end up with me recalling the following sayings – “You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time”.

This also has ne recalling one of the Perry Mason episodes of the 1950s starring Raymond Burr.  Perry Mason always got his client off because they were always innocent but in this one case the guilty person was a pretty young woman that had a beautiful singing voice (the kind you hear once in a blue moon!  The song she was singing when they arrested her went like this    Oh Boy I’m lucky – Gee I am lucky – this is my lucky day”.  My Point – “Hard cases make Bad Law!


Don’t trust everything you see.  Even salt looks like sugar!

Thought for the Weak!!!

More affordable electric vehicles.  Honda and GM plan to share technology, including GM’s next-generation Ultium battery, to produce millions of all-electric vehicles including compact crossovers. Vehicles will be sold under both brands starting in 2027 and will cost less than $30,000.

Questions of the Weak!!!

1.      What odd number becomes even when beheaded???

Answer:  Seven – behead the “S” and you’re left with “even”!

2.      Where did the name “Tuxedo” originate from???

Answer:  In 1889, a well-dressed man named Griswold Lorillard wore a black dinner jacket with no tails to a country club in Tuxedo Park, New York.  Admirers of the jacket asked their tailors to make copies of the
                jackets worn in Tuxedo”, giving rise to the tuxedo name.

3.     What room do ghosts avoid?

Answer:  The Living Room!

4.     What is the best way to communicate with fish?

Answer:  Drop them a Line!

5.     Why are 10 + 10 and 11 + 11 the same?

Answer:  Ten + 10 is twenty.  Eleven + eleven is twenty too!!!

True or False???

1.      A surgeon in England branded patients’ livers with his initials!
Answer:  True.  The doctor has been barred from practicing medicine.

2.     A competitive sun-tanner’s baby was born with tan lines!
Answer:  False.

3.     A man shot a hole in one on the same hole four days in a row!
Answer:  False.

4.     Drones carrying sausages were used to save a stranded dog!
Answer:  True.  The dog was trapped on mud flats in England and was in danger of drowning as the tide rose.

5.     Small fish rained from the sky in Texarkana, Texas.
Answer:  True.  This can happen during severe weather events when fish are swept up into waterspouts!

6.     In an unrelated story, a goldfish learned to drive a vehicle.
Answer:  The small vehicle was developed by Israeli scientists and gave the fish control of its movements based on how it swam in the attached tank!

7.     Merriam-Webster added “dad bod” to the dictionary!
Answer:  True.  Other words and phrases added to the dictionary include super-spreader and TBH, shorthand for “to be honest”.

8.     A now-rich woman took stock tips from her cat!
Answer:  False.

9.     In an unrelated story, a woman filed for divorce from herself!
Answer:  True.  The Brazilian woman had married herself but then fell in love with another, so a divorce was required.

10.   Camels were injected with Botox at a beauty contest!
 Answer:  True.  The camels were barred from competing in the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Saudia Arabia.

Bonus  An airplane at Graceland leaked oil in the shape of Elvis!
             Answer:  False.

Did You Know!!!

Almost 14% of Google employees have never attended college!

Job security is the highest it’s been in 54 years.  Thanks to a supertight labor market, the chances of getting laid off are lower than at any time on record.  In March 2022, there were only 1.1 jobless claims per 1,000 workers.  In 1968 – the economic “good old days” – that figure was 2.3 per 1,000.

Very Interesting Stuff!!!

In the 1400’s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his Thumb. 
Hence we have The Rule of Thumb!

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone!

Men can read smaller print than women can!
Women can hear better!

Summary of Rounds Played July 6, 2022












Match Results  -- Front 9









#3  Harms


#2  Bachmann


#11  Buescher


#10  Anderson


#6  Flynn


#7  Leirey


#14  Crouch


#15  Hill


Match Results – Back 9









#4  Zachritz


#1  Kientz


#12  Kiffmeyer


#9  Bramlage


#5  Vaughn


#8  Schumacher


#13  C Halpin


#16  Broadus












Eagle/Hole in One Pool

Nobody Home



This pool now has $8.20 in it.


































































Note: To all Team Captains or those regulars that complete the "Recap Sheet" after the match is completed, please ensure that all birdies are recorded on the "Recap Sheet".


Other Skins











































Closest to Pin 2nd Shot




Long Putt







Money Leaders -- Top 10 & Ties

 Kevin Bachmann (w)


Jim Bramlage (f)


Jim Westcott (f)


Eddie Gregory (f)


Tim Andrew (w)


Jay Ackerman (f)


Tom Berns (f)


Don Buescher (w)


Jeff Witt (w)


Ron Michael (f)


Skins—Greenies—Long Putt

Most of the regulars and subs in the league know about Skins, Greenies, and Long Putt. For those that do not, each week there will be a sheet and a box on one of the tables in the clubhouse.  The sheet will have the names of all the regulars and blank lines at the bottom for subs to write in their names. $3.00 entry fee for Skins; $1.00 entry fee for Greenies and $1.00 entry fee for Long Putt.  Place a check mark for each category for which you are participating.  If the Briefcase is not out notate on your scorecard your intent to play and pay when you complete your match.  First teams out please take the markers, last teams in please bring markers in.


Notes are courtesy of:

League Secretary