IRS Wednesday Golf League Newsletter

Week 11 – June 27, 2018


There is no league play on July 4.  Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July. 


Week 11 completed, no rain-outs so Position Round 2 is scheduled for July 11.  Tee times for July 11 are:


Front Nine    

3:39 & 3:48     Division D Third place plays Division D Fourth place (Buescher vs Patmann)

3:57 & 4:06     Division D First place plays Division D Second place (Freeman vs Breen)

4:15 & 4:24     Division C Third place plays Division C Fourth place (Halpin vs Pfeiffer)

4:33 & 4:42     Division C First place plays Division C Second place (Flynn vs Schumacher)


Back Nine     

3:39 & 3:48     Division B Third place plays Division B Fourth place (Vaughn vs Harms)

3:57 & 4:06     Division B First place plays Division B Second place (Slye vs Kiffmeyer)

4:15 & 4:24     Division A Third place plays Division A Fourth place (Kientz vs Leirey)

4:33 & 4:42     Division A First place plays Division A Second place (Anderson vs Bramlage)


There are still 13 players that are outstanding on 2nd half green fees/dues ($153.00).  Please bring on July 11, pouches will be in the briefcase to put remittance in.  Make checks payable to IRS Golf League.  Treasurer Chuck Reckers thanks those that paid this past week.

Subs this week were:  Jeff Witt (Team Halpin), Bob Kendrach (Team Halpin), new sub Max Sullivan (Team Harms), new sub Gary Rickels (Team Slye), Mark Slye Sr. (Team Slye), Dan Varndell (Team Breen), Carol Goldstone (Team Freeman), Jim Conrady (Team Leirey), and Kelly Johnson (Team Leirey).  Thanks for being there.

Division Standings: 

Division A:  There was no change is positions with Team Anderson (#4 seed) in the lead, followed by Defending League Champs Team Bramlage, Team Kientz, and Team Leirey.  (1st to 4th narrowed to 67.5 points.)


Division B:  There was no change in positions with Team Slye (#3 seed) in the lead, followed by Team Kiffmeyer, Team Vaughn, and Team Harms.  (1st to 4th separated by 110.5 points).


Division C:  No change here as Team Flynn (#1 seed) held their lead, followed by Team Schumacher (#5 seed), Team Halpin (fell out of seed), and Team Pfeiffer.  (Now 124.5 points separate 1st to 4th).


Division D:  Team Freeman (#2 Seed by 1.5 points) is still holding the lead, with Team Breen (#6 seed) moving up to 2nd, Team Buescher fell to 3rd, and Team Patmann in the bottom.  (1st to 4th narrowed to 78 points.)


Secretary predictions for position round 2:


Division A: Secretary predicts Anderson vs. Bramlage as a close match with Team Anderson (pink shirts) barely winning.  Team Kientz vs. Team Leirey should be the start of Team Leirey making a comeback with a big win.


Division B: Secretary predicts Slye vs. Kiffmeyer as the match to watch.  Team Slye will battle hard but Team Kiffmeyer will take the match by a point.  Vaughn vs. Harms is hard to call since Ray Vaughn has found his game and Dale Goodwin just shot his best round.  Prediction is Team Vaughn victorious by a small margin.


Division C:  Secretary predicts Flynn vs. Schumacher as Team Flynn sending Team Schumacher to the done rack.  Halpin vs. Pfeiffer (secretary kind of impartial) I predict Team Halpin victorious over Team Pfeiffer by a lot.


Division D:  Secretary predicts Freeman vs. Breen as another slug fest with Team Freeman winning by a small margin over Team Breen.  Buescher vs. Patmann prediction is Team Buescher taking Team Patmann to the cleaners.


Secretary has a string of golf balls (Taylor Made Burner) to anyone (if more than one name pull from hat) that can name the team winners (or winners & ties) prior to July 11 matches.  Send to Charles Halpin by July 10.


Secretary picks:  Team Anderson, Team Leirey, Team Kiffmeyer, Team Vaughn, Team Flynn, Team Halpin, Team Freeman, Team Buescher.


Status of the Almighty Fork:


With the position round due next the Fork is in wait.  The secretary made a mistake on Forking a team and not looking at the schedule.  Seems Team Harms took the Forking kind a harshly and the Secretary didn’t look at the schedule prior to the Forking and Team Harms took it out on Team Halpin.  With that said Team Pfeiffer is safe for another week.


Week 10 Forked:  Team Harms, Team Vaughn.


Sandbaggers of the Weak: (5.0 greater or less):


Most Under Average:


Dale Goodwin shoots a 43 (7.3 under average) (best round that he has had in our league).

John Freeman shoots a 44 (7.1 under average) (wow)

Lee Crouch shoots a 39 (6.1 under average) (medalist on back nine).


Most Over Average:


Jim Conrady shoots a 61 (12.0 over average) (Ouch!!!).

Pat Breen shoots a 62 (7.0 over average)

Brian Anderson shoots a 48 (5.5 over average).

Chuck Reckers shoots a 55 (5.4 over average).

Tom Mullett shoots a 55 (5.3 over average).


And the following short story from an anonymous source:


There was a British Sea Captain in the early 19th century known throughout the realm for his courage and bravery.  He was constantly at sea, part of the “Wall of wood” that had protected England from foreign invaders for 800 years.  His frigate was feared by all of England’s enemies.


One day he was patrolling the Bay of Biscay when the mainmast lookout yelled “Sail Ho!  Single sail to the North!”.  An enemy frigate was bearing down on them and a fight was in the offing.  The Captain turned to his Steward and said, “Bring me my Red Coat”.  A midshipman was standing nearby and dared to ask, “Captain, why do you always ask for your Red Coat before every battle?”.  The Captain replied, “So the enemy cannot see me bleed should I be wounded.”  The battle was joined, and the Captain was victorious.


A few weeks later, the brave Captain and his brave ship were again on the prowl.  The lookout called “Sail Ho!  Multiple sails to the North!”  A few minutes later the mizenmast lookout shouted out: “Sails to the south… and to the west!”  The enemy fleet had been sighted.  The Captain turned to his Steward at said “Bring me my brown trousers”.


Thank you, Jim Conrady.  (Semper Fi!)



Heard in the Clubhouse:

·         Dale Goodwin commenting that his 43 was the best round he has ever had in our league.


·         Mike Donlin gave the card with the gift to Terry Jolly before he retired on May 31st.  Terry was very overwhelmed and expressed many thanks from both him and his wife.  He also indicated that he hoped we would continue to use A J Jolly for our outings in the future.  He also said he will be making every effort to show up at the outing this year to thank everyone for everything we have done for him and the course.


·         Jeff Ballard stopped by the clubhouse to drop off some flyers about a golf outing he is putting together to benefit the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Cincinnati. 

Benefit for the Children’s Dyslexia Centers of Cincinnati

Date: Saturday, August 4th at 12PM

Location: California Golf Club, 5924 Kellogg Ave. Cincinnati, OH

Price: $80.00 per person.  Hole Sponsorships Available

Price includes 18 holes of golf with cart and a meal ticket for The Grill.

Prizes will be awarded to the First, Second, and Third Place Teams. $20,000 Hole-In-One contest!

If you need help forming a foursome team, let us know. Come enjoy the fun!!

To register, mail a check payable to CDCOC. Please include the names of all golfers and a good contact number.

Mail to: Cincinnati Masonic Center Attn: Jeff Ballard 317 E 5th St. Cincinnati, OH 45202.

You can also register online at

For questions about this event, including hole sponsorships, please contact Jeff Ballard, CDCOC Vice Chairperson at or call him directly at 513-256-6747.


·         For those playing golf in Kentucky, the Kentucky Legislative Session, General Assembly passed House Bill 487, and beginning July 1, 2018, the state will now collect a 6% sales tax on your golf fees.


Summary of Rounds Played – June 27, 2018













Match Results






















































Mike Donlin & Kevin Bachmann



Lee Crouch


Other good rounds:  Front nine:  Tom Schumacher – 38, Ray Vaughn - 39


Eagle/Hole in One


Eagle/Hole in One Pool

$6 was added to the Eagle pool.  The pool now has $6.00 in it.   



 Garry Melish

Skin -- $12.00


 Gary Rickels

Skin -- $12.00


 Jimmy Smith

Not in Skins


 Dale Goodwin & Eric Fredrickson

Both in Skins


 Mike Sullivan

Not in Skins


 Charlie Halpin & Eric Fredrickson

Both in Skins


 Kevin Bachmann

Skin -- $12.00


 Clyde Barnes

Not in Skins


 Mike Donlin

Skin -- $12.00


 Bill Zachritz

Skin -- $28.00


 Jim Westcott

Skin -- $28.00


 Jim Westcott & Boyd Marley

Both in Skins

Note: To all Team Captains or those regulars that complete the "Point Sheet" after the match is completed, please ensure that all birdies are recorded on the "Point Sheet".

Other Skins





 Tom Schumacher



 Kevin Bachmann



 Bill Zachritz


Closest to Pin 2nd Shot


 Kelly Johnson


Long Putt


 Gary Rickels



 Brian Anderson


Money Leaders -- Top 10 & Ties

Halpin, Mark

 $    222.00

Zachritz, Bill (f)

 $    183.00

Schumacher, Tom (f)

 $    129.00

Ruehl, Steve

 $      81.00

Bachmann, Kevin

 $      80.50

Kostas, Ken

 $      75.00

Breen, Mike

 $      61.00

Buescher, Don

 $      60.00

Anderson, Brian (f)

 $      59.00

Buescher, Patrick

 $      53.00

Westcott, Jim

 $      53.00

Skins—Greenies—Long Putt

Most of the regulars and subs in the league know about Skins, Greenies, and Long Putt. For those that do not, each week there will be a sheet and a box on one of the tables in the clubhouse.  The sheet will have the names of all the regulars and blank lines at the bottom for subs to write in their names. $3.00 entry fee for Skins; $1.00 entry fee for Greenies and $1.00 entry fee for Long Putt.  Place a check mark or X for each category for which you are participating.  If the Briefcase is not out, notate on your scorecard your intent to play and pay when you complete your match.  First teams out please take the markers, last teams in please bring markers in.


Newsletter by:

League Secretary Charlie Halpin

Fine Print:  The following was Censored on last week of sensitive words only, Mr. Bill requested to see the true statement, so per his request here it is:  In blank the blank can blank if blank of blank when blank - blank.  Only Mr. blank is blank on blank when blank then blank following blank.   Good beer is like Golf - you open it up and drink it down, open another one, drink it down, go for another one and realize you should have never given one on the last hole.