IRS Wednesday Golf League Newsletter

Week 09, June 22, 2022

Another “Dreaded Rainout” – 2nd of the Season

When the 1st of the 8 groups teed off at around 3:36 PM it was very hot but it looked like no problem getting 9 holes in.  That changed drastically sometime between 4:45 PM and 5:00 PM.  It wasn’t just rain.  It was strong winds and lightning and at least 2 trees falling down.  One was on #12 (not certain where exactly on the hole) and the other was on #5 about 30 yards to the right of #5 tee just next to the shelter. Clyde Barnes, player C for Team Schumacher had parked his cart alongside the shelter moments before the tree fell.  Clyde told us he heard the tree falling but it happened so fast he was not able to attempt to get out of the way.  This may have turned into a blessing because the tree fell within 5 feet of where he sat in the cart.  Thank God he was not harmed.  All players in our league safely returned to the clubhouse and I don’t believe anyone was hurt.  Thank God as well for that.  After checking with the course about the possibility of resuming play later and being told it might not be until 7:30 PM until we can resume playing President Lee Crouch called all 16 captains (acting captains) together for a vote of whether to call a rainout.  At least 9 captains voted for a rainout and that was it.  Wednesday so far this year is not the best weekday to play in a golf league.  Let’s hope the other weekdays take their turns for rainouts!

Amish Proverb

Mother’s write on the hearts of their children what the world’s rough hand cannot erase!


No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all!

Thought for the Weak!!!

In life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong!

Questions of the Weak!!!

1.      What odd number becomes even when beheaded???

Answer:  Seven – behead the “S” and you’re left with “even”!

2.      Where did the name “Tuxedo” originate from???

Answer:  In 1889, a well-dressed man named Griswold Lorillard wore a black dinner jacket with no tails to a country club in Tuxedo Park, New York.  Admirers of the jacket asked their tailors to make copies of the
                jackets worn in Tuxedo”, giving rise to the tuxedo name.

3.     What room do ghosts avoid?

Answer in next week’s Newsletter.

4.     What is the best way to communicate with fish?

Answer in next week’s Newsletter!

Can You Tell Me …….?

In 1943 and on one day between March 1st and May 31st two individuals (world famous) met and decided that, within 15 months, something was going to happen on planet Earth!

Can you tell me the names of these 2 individuals and what happened?  Good Luck!!!

I was going to answer both of these questions in this Newsletter but I am going to wait one more week before doing so.  I asked these questions to two of our league players and both had not read the May 25th Newsletter.  I wonder how many more have not read it.

If you think you know please send me an email.  I’ll give you credit if you do.  I don’t believe anyone will get both answers correct.  I do believe that, in 1943, we were involved in a World War!

Answer:  The two individuals are British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt met at the White House and set a date for what would become D-Day.  This was on May 19, 1943.  They previously met on May 12, 1943 and discussed other matters relating to the war.  It was on December 7, 1943, that President Roosevelt sent a handwritten message to Marshall Stalin of Russia telling him that General Eisenhower would command Operation Overlord which began with D-Day.

Can You Tell Me …….?

June 6, 1944, was not the initial date planned for D-Day.  What day was the initial planned date?  Why was it moved?  And, the day before the invasion took place one of Eisenhower’s generals advised him not to go through with the invasion.  Who was this general and why did he make this request?  I look forward to hearing from Cecil Begley and Erich Kientz on these questions!

True or False???

1.      A surgeon in England branded patients’ livers with his initials!
Answer:  True.  The doctor has been barred from practicing medicine.

2.     A competitive sun-tanner’s baby was born with tan lines!
Answer:  False.

3.     A man shot a hole in one on the same hole four days in a row!
Answer:  False.

4.     Drones carrying sausages were used to save a stranded dog!
Answer:  True.  The dog was trapped on mud flats in England and was in danger of drowning as the tide rose.

5.     Small fish rained from the sky in Texarkana, Texas.
Answer:  True.  This can happen during severe weather events when fish are swept up into waterspouts!

6.     In an unrelated story, a goldfish learned to drive a vehicle.
Answer:  The small vehicle was developed by Israeli scientists and gave the fish control of its movements based on how it swam in the attached tank!

7.     Merriam-Webster added “dad bod” to the dictionary!
Answer in next week’s Newsletter.

8.     A now-rich woman took stock tips from her cat!
Answer in next week’s Newsletter.

Did You Know!!!

Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account!


Summary of Rounds Played June 22, 2022












Match Results  -- Front 9









8  Schumacher

4  Zachritz

6  Flynn

2  Bachmann

14  Crouch

10  Anderson

16  Broadus

12  Kiffmeyer

Match Results – Back 9









7  Leirey


3  Harms


5  Vaughn


1  Kientz


13  C Halpin


9  Bramlage


15  Hill


11  Buescher








Eagle/Hole in One Pool

Nobody Home



This pool now has $8.20 in it.


































































Note: To all Team Captains or those regulars that complete the "Recap Sheet" after the match is completed, please ensure that all birdies are recorded on the "Recap Sheet".


Other Skins











































Closest to Pin 2nd Shot




Long Putt







Money Leaders -- Top 10 & Ties

 Kevin Bachmann (w)


Jim Westcott (w)


Eddie Gregory (f)


Jim Bramlage (f)


Jay Ackerman (f)


Tim Andrew (w)


Don Buescher (w)


Ron Michael (f)


Ray Vaughn (f)


Tom Schumacher (f)


Skins—Greenies—Long Putt

Most of the regulars and subs in the league know about Skins, Greenies, and Long Putt. For those that do not, each week there will be a sheet and a box on one of the tables in the clubhouse.  The sheet will have the names of all the regulars and blank lines at the bottom for subs to write in their names. $3.00 entry fee for Skins; $1.00 entry fee for Greenies and $1.00 entry fee for Long Putt.  Place a check mark for each category for which you are participating.  If the Briefcase is not out notate on your scorecard your intent to play and pay when you complete your match.  First teams out please take the markers, last teams in please bring markers in.


Notes are courtesy of:

League Secretary