IRS Golf League

2020 Captain’s Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

March 11, 2020

6 p.m.



                Tom Schumacher - President & Team Captain

                Charles Halpin – Secretary & Team Captain

                Chuck Reckers – Treasurer & filling in for Team Captain Erich Kientz

Ed Kiffmeyer – Team Captain

Jim Grassinger – Filling in for Team Captain Dick Flynn

Kevin Bachmann - Team Captain

                Don Buescher – Team Captain

                Mike Breen – Team Captain

Ray Vaughn – Team Captain

Brian Anderson – Team Captain

Tim Andrew – Filling in for Team Captain Pat Harms

John Freeman – Team Captain

Jim Fish – Filling in for Team Captain Jim Bramlage

Jake Job-Rivera – Filling in for Team Captain Frank Leirey

Bill Zachritz - Team Captain

                Gene Pfeiffer – Team Captain


Number of Teams for the 2020 Season & Verification of the numbering of the teams:

Charlie Halpin opened the meeting with the team numbering for this year.  Okay as listed.

                A Division is:  Team #1 Kiffmeyer, Team #5 Schumacher, Team #9 Anderson, Team #13 Bramlage

                B Division is:  Team #2 Flynn, Team #6 Buescher, Team #10 Halpin, Team #14 Leirey

                C Division is:  Team #3 Kientz, Team #7 Breen, Team #11 Harms, Team #15 Zachritz

                D Division is:  Team #4 Bachmann, Team #8 Vaughn, Team #12 Freeman, Team #16 Pfeiffer


Team changes (to include changes to team names):

Team Patmann change name to Team Zachritz, Team Captain Bill Zachritz

(Charlie Patmann cannot play due to shoulder.)

Team Leirey – Boyd Marley not playing this year and is in need of a regular.

Team Bachmann – Mark Slye not playing this year and is in need of a regular.

Team Vaughn – added Tom Berns as a restricted sub.


New subs willing to play – Don Tobler and Don Mills.  Contact information will be added to the sub list.


2020 Season Schedule:

The 2020 schedule was presented by Charles Halpin.  League play begins April 29th.  Okay as listed.


End-of-Year Outing (September 11th – already reserved at AJ Jolly)

        Brian Anderson commented about the AJ Jolly course having separate tee boxes for us last year (White, Men Forward, and Women Forward) worked well.  Brian confirmed that AJ Jolly has us scheduled for the Outing on September 11th.


2019 Minutes and Financial Statements:

        It was decided to not read the 2019 Minutes.        

Chuck Reckers presented the Financial Statement from 2019 and a budget for the 2020 season.  Chuck proposed that the funds are sufficient to keep the dues this year at $30.  It was motioned, seconded, and unanimously voted to keep the dues at $30.


Dues/Green Fees for Regulars:

Green fees remain the same as last year at $17 (total of 19 weeks). ($17*19+30 = $353)

First week payment for entire year is $353 or 1st week payment of $200 and 2nd payment by July 1st of $153.  



Rules - Tom Schumacher, Charles Halpin, and Chuck Reckers.

Year End Scramble – Tom Schumacher.

Outing Food & Beverage – Brian Anderson.

Outing Program & Events – Brian Anderson.

Herm Lorenz Award - Tom Schumacher, Charles Halpin, Chuck Reckers, Mark Halpin (last winner).

Jerry Joesting Award - Tom Schumacher, Charles Halpin, Chuck Reckers.


Proposals to Rule Changes:


Several different proposals to Article VII Tee-Off Markers 1st paragraph.  Each was presented/discussed before voting.


a.        Amend Article VII - Tee-Off Markers (Charlie Halpin) - Women play from the Yellow Tee Markers.  Men turning age 65 during the year and those over age 65 may play from the Yellow Tee Markers if they so desire.  Must be designated before they first play for the season and remain for the whole season.  For those players with a physical handicap, medical condition, playing ability, etc. that wish to play from the Yellow Tee Markers may request to move upon approval from the Rules Committee.  Again, this would have to be designated before 1st play with the exception for conditions that may arise during the season.  (One Yea vote)


b.       Amend Article VII - Tee-Off Markers (John Freeman) - All male players with an average of 41.0 or less on the nine holes to be played will use the blue markers.  Except as noted below, all male players with an average between 41.0 and 51.0 will use the white tees.  Male players with an average above 51.0 will use the forward (yellow) tees, unless they elect to use the white tees.  Male players otherwise eligible to play from the white tees, with some physical disability, may request to play from the forward tees.  Such requests must be made in writing before the season starts and will be ruled on by the rules committee.  If granted such requests will remain in effect for the entire season or until the player reports that the disability has ended, in which case the player shall thereafter use the white tees.  Disabilities arising during the season may be the subject of similar requests which will also be considered by the rules committee.  Female players with an average of 45.0 or below will play from the white tees.  Female players with an average above 45.0 will play from the forward tees.  Female players with disabilities will be subject to the same relief as male players, described above.  No player shall be required to present medical certification to justify using the forward tees.  (5 Yea votes) 


c.        Amend Article VII – Tee-Off Markers (Mike Breen) - Any player 79 years old or more is eligible to play from the forward tees regardless of average.  All male players less than 79 with an average of 40.0 or less on the nine holes to be played will use the blue markers.  Except as noted below, all male players with an average between 40.1 and 50.0 will use the white tees.  Male players with an average above 50.0 will use the forward (yellow) tees, unless they elect to use the white tees.  Male players otherwise eligible to play from the white tees, with some physical disability, may request to play from the forward tees.  Such requests must be made in writing before the season starts and will be ruled on by the rules committee.  If granted such requests will remain in effect for the entire season or until the player reports that the disability has ended, in which case the player shall thereafter use the white tees.  Disabilities arising during the season may be the subject of similar requests which will also be considered by the rules committee.  Female players will play from the forward tees.  No player shall be required to present medical certification to justify using the forward tees.  A player’s tee box placement average for the 2020 season will be their average at the end of the last year they played from the white tees.  Tee box designation can change from week to week based on the players average.  (Zero votes)


d.       Amend Article VII – Tee-Off Markers (Bill Zachritz) - Women play from the Yellow Tee Markers.  Men play from the White Tee Markers. For those players with a physical handicap, medical condition, playing ability, etc. that wish to play from the Yellow Tee Markers may request to move upon approval from the Rules Committee.  Again, this would have to be designated before 1st play with the exception for conditions that may arise during the season.  (9 Yea votes)


e.        No change to Article VII - Tee-Off Markers (Charlie Halpin) - Remain as is with no changes.  (Zero votes)


- After voting it was motioned and voted to approve amending the rule to item d. presented by Bill Zachritz.


1.    Amend Article VII Tee-Off Markers 2nd paragraph (Charlie Halpin) - When a player chooses to move Tee-Off Markers their average will start as new using Article IV Computation of Average. (This deletes the part on recalculating average from prior year.)


- A short discussion then voting – 14 yeas, 2 nays, for amending 2nd paragraph.


2.    Amend Article IV – Computation of Average (Charlie Halpin) - Separate averages will be used for front and back nine, calculated for 5 most recent rounds on each side.  Each player's average will be determined in the following manner:  1) The first time a player plays in the league their average for that night and the next time they play will be what they shot on the first night; 2) Once a player plays more than one round, but less than 5 rounds, their average will be determined by dropping out their highest round and averaging the remaining rounds; 3) Once a player plays 5 or more rounds on a side their average will be determined by averaging the 5 most recent rounds; 4) Although actual scores will be documented and used in determining handicaps, no averages that exceed 65 will be reflected for competitive play; 5) No score can be posted for a player which is five (5) strokes greater than their average.  This rule does allow a player's average to increase by more than one stroke from one round to the next (See Exhibit I for example).  Any average which was incorrectly computed must be brought to the Secretary's attention immediately.  No retroactive changes or corrections will be permitted without the Secretary's approval.  A player must have an opponent for their score to count for averaging purposes.  Only scores shot during the prior three years seasons as recorded by the Secretary will count in determining the current year's average.   

Exhibit 1.  Computation of Averages:  Assume a player with a 47.5 average shoots a round of 59 and the fifth most recent round, the score being thrown out, is a 42.  The round of 59 is posted as 53, five strokes over the player's average at the beginning of the round.  The average for the following round would be increased by 1.1 strokes to a 48.6.  This rule would have the same effect if a golfer had not completed five rounds.  Any average that included a tenth of a point will be rounded to the nearest whole number.


- A short discussion then voting – 16 yeas for amending Article IV – Computation of Average.


Non-Agenda Items:

Ray Vaughn brought up about subs during the play-offs.  After some discussion it was unanimously voted to limit play-off teams to only 1 sub during play-off games. (Team with a restricted sub can still use one other sub.)


Tom Schumacher brought up about how many rounds during the year a sub must have to qualify to play in the play-offs.  After some discussion it was unanimously voted to change the last sentence on Article XIX to read: “To be able to play for any team in the play-offs, a sub must have played 3 official rounds on both the front nine and the back nine during the current season.  Restricted subs are always allowed to play in the play-offs.”


Ed Kiffmeyer gave accolades to Treasurer Chuck Reckers and Secretary Charlie Halpin followed by a round of applause.


Secretary final words:


Charlie Halpin covered some issues/reminders:


Skins pot will stay combined for white and yellow tees.  Reminder that 1st teams out to take greenie/long putt markers out even if not playing games.  Same for the last teams in to bring in the markers even if not playing games.


Complaints/Issues are not to be directed to the secretary.  Players should discuss their complaints/issues with their Team Captain who submits a written complaint to the League President for action.


Players should get to tee box ahead of tee time.  Reminder that there is a league after us.


Outing – every year our attendance keeps going down.  Every regular should assist in inviting subs, family members, friends, etc. to play the Outing.


Charlie Halpin stated that this is probably his last year as secretary and the Team Captains should start checking around for a replacement.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Charles Halpin

League Secretary