IRS Golf League

Zoom Conference 2020 Captain’s Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

May 27, 2020

7 p.m.



            Tom Schumacher - President & Team Captain

            Charles Halpin – Secretary & Team Captain

            Chuck Reckers – Treasurer

Erich Kientz – Team Captain

Dick Flynn – Team Captain

Gene Pfeiffer – Team Captain

            Don Buescher – Team Captain

            Mike Breen – Team Captain

Brian Anderson – Team Captain

Pat Harms – Team Captain

Jim Bramlage – Team Captain

Bill Zachritz - Team Captain

Frank Leirey – Team Captain



Ed Kiffmeyer – Team Captain

Kevin Bachmann - Team Captain

Ray Vaughn – Team Captain


Course Information

Tom Schumacher discussed the email he had forwarded about the course.  Possible that play will be every week.  Tom will check with the course about the early tee times so other leagues have time to play.


Foam in Hole:

Some discussion on foam in putting holes.  Don Buescher played today and still an issue.  The course is checking with their maintenance to see what can be done.  Until change use gentleman’s agreement on the green if the ball touches the foam. 


Riding carts:

There are 4 teams that are not okay with 2 people in a cart.  The remaining teams are okay.  This may cause an issue if A player can ride with teammate & B player cannot, and the C player cannot, and the D player can ride with teammate.  May need to change to A & D player and B & C player play together.


League Schedule

The June 3rd schedule will be the April 29th play make-up.  Tee times are posted on the league web newsletter tab 06/03/20.  Depending on the course allowing early start times the starting times will be posted on the appropriate weekly newsletter tab.  Teams that cannot do an earlier tee time will be shifted down if the course allows earlier tee times.  Currently 3 teams cannot do an early tee time (Team Bachmann, Team Harms, Team Bramlage).


Collecting monies for dues/green fees:

There are 3 players still outstanding on League dues/fees. 


End of Year Outing

Brian Anderson will check the AJ Jolly to see if we are still scheduled and what restrictions they may have.  This may need to wait to see how things go between now and July.


Tentative Next Zoom Captains Conference call will be Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 7 p.m.  Chuck will set up the call. 


Another Thank You to Chucks daughter for her tech advice and use of her lap-top.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Charles Halpin

League Secretary