IRS Golf League

Zoom Conference 2020 Captain’s Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

May 21, 2020

7 p.m.



            Tom Schumacher - President & Team Captain

            Charles Halpin – Secretary & Team Captain

            Chuck Reckers – Treasurer & Zoom host & Acting Team Captain

Dick Flynn – Team Captain

Kevin Bachmann - Team Captain

            Don Buescher – Team Captain

            Mike Breen – Team Captain

Brian Anderson – Team Captain

Pat Harms – Team Captain

Jim Bramlage – Team Captain

Bill Zachritz - Team Captain



Ed Kiffmeyer – Team Captain

Frank Leirey – Team Captain

Gene Pfeiffer – Team Captain


Team Line-up on Score Cards

Some errors on score cards were noted.  Be careful on line-up by averages.


Tee-Box White/Yellow

Error by one team that 2 players requested and were approved to play forward tee but played from the white tees instead. 

If confusion on tee boxes to use look at the average sheets to see.  Forward tee approved players have a (f) for regulars or (fwt) for subs.  Any changes of moving to forward tee boxes requires Rules Committee approval prior to play.

One new sub played one hole from from white tee then requested to play from forward tee.  Request was denied.  Reminder that request to play forward tees must be approved by the Rules Committee prior to play.


Match no shows:

We had 3 no shows for May 20. 


Foam in Hole:

Some discussion on foam in putting holes.  If touch foam but lips out count as putt.  Some putts hard to tell if touch the foam.  Use gentleman’s agreement on the green. 

President Tom Schumacher will be talking to the course on how to better the putting cup situation.. 

Riding carts:

This past week we had 14 riders on front nine and 26 riders on back nine. 

The course may start allowing 2 riders in a cart if both players agree to ride together. 

Treasurer Chuck Reckers needs to know who from each team will be willing to ride together so he can inform the course on how many carts would be needed. 

Also, reminder that Chuck needs to know any changes to who is riding/walking front & back, by Tuesday the day before, since he will be making one payment to the course.  If you say you are riding and get to the course and decide to walk there is no refund for cart fee.  Also, if you say you are walking and decide at the course you want a cart it can’t happen since the course is not collecting cart fees.


League Schedule

The course may allow regular weekly play beginning June 3.  Depends on the 2 riders per cart and also tee times.

Some discussion on moving tee times up if still using 12 minute times. 

Tom Schumacher will check with the course to see if move our tees times up to either 3:24 or 3:12.  If so teams will have option of shifting their scheduled time for those that work and need a later tee time.


Collecting monies for dues/green fees:

There are 5 players still outstanding on League dues/fees.                         


Tentative Next Zoom Captains Conference call will be Wednesday, May 27th at 7 p.m.  Chuck will set up the call. 


Another Thank You to Chucks daughter for her tech advice and use of her lap-top.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.



Respectfully Submitted,


Charles Halpin

League Secretary