2024 IRS Golf League

Team Captains’ Meeting Agenda

Donatos – 15 Donnermeyer Dr. Bellevue, KY

March 6, 2024 - 6 p.m.


        Lee Crouch – Team Captain & League President

        Charles Halpin – Team Captain & League Secretary

        Chuck Reckers – League Treasurer 

        Dave Martin – filling in for Team Captain Dick Flynn

        Don Buescher – Team Captain

        Jim Bramlage – Team Captain

        Ray Vaughn – Team Captain

        Brian Anderson – Team Captain

        Eric Kientz – Team Captain

        Bill Zachritz -Team Captain

        Kevin Bachmann – Team Captain

        Jay Broadus – Team Captain

        Ed Kiffmeyer – Team Captain

        Cindy Ellsworth – Team Captain

        Bill Anderson – Team Captain

        Dan Scott – Team Captain

        Team Harms – not present



·        Number of Teams for the 2024 Season & Verification of the numbering of the teams.

All 16 teams are filled and team numbering okay.


·        Team changes (to include changes to team names).

-        Players out this year – Jack Snowden (health), Andy Proeschel (health).

-        Team Snowden changed its name to Team Ellsworth.

-        Team 12 - Cindy Ellsworth (team captain), Asbury Turner, Tom Nonno, Jerry Fierro.

-        Team Brian Anderson: Mark Halpin to open sub, Chris Kerns as regular, Brian Anderson to restricted sub, Brian Kelly as regular, Brian Anderson remains team captain.

-        Team Halpin – Jimmy Smith to restricted sub and Denny Solomon to regular.

-        Team 16 (all new members) – Dan Scott, Tara Boucher, Mike Bell, Randy Donohue.

-        Tina Bayne (new) – possible regular/sub?


·        2024 Season Schedule (League play begins Wednesday, April 24).

Tentative Schedule okay as is.


·        End-of-year Outing (September 6th)

Jim Bramlage and Brian Anderson looking into having dinner at the Outing.  Also other cost items.  Should have a plan by end of June.


·        2022 Minutes and Financial Statements

Chuck Reckers presented the Financial Statements.  Year End Balance was down due to only 15 teams last year.  2023 beginning balance was $2,508.43, total receipts was $27,432.00, total expenses were $28,131.33, and ending balance was $1809.10.  2023 Outing had a loss of $214.00.


·        Dues/Green Fees for Regulars

Chuck Reckers presented the 2024 Budget.  Different dues amounts were discussed, including a memorial tree/plaque for Pat Breen.  It was unanimously decided to go with $45 for this years dues.  California Green Fee increased to $20 this year.  Individual cost for league – 19 weeks x $20 green fee + $45 dues = $425.

First week payment for entire year is $425, or 1st week payment of $225 and 2nd payment by June 26th of $200. 

Cart fee increased to $9 this year and will be individually paid by each person at the course if riding. 


·        CRC Course & Cooler Policy

Lee Crouch discussed the CRC alcohol policy and reminded all about the alcohol policy in effect.



·        Last Year Season What Worked, What Didn’t (Money Games, Scramble, Outing, Etc.) (Charlie Halpin)

-        Money games (Skins/Greenies/Long Putt) – This worked well last year and will remain the same this season.

Regulars pay 1st week for the whole season (or pay half the 1st week and remainder mid-season).  Weekly game cost:  Skins $3, Greenies $1, Long Putt $1.  For 18 regular golf weeks Skins cost would $54, for Greenies cost would be $18, Long Putt cost would be $18.  Players can choose which games they wish to play in (not have to play in all).  Whole season cost if play in Skins/Greenies/Long Putt cost is $90, if play in only Skins and Greenies cost is $72, if play in Skins and Long Putt only cost is $72, if play in Greenies and Long Putt only cost is $36.  Subs playing for those in the games will be eligible for the player they are subbing for, no weekly collection, and refunds will be given for rainouts.  Team Average sheet will be marked so players know who is in what games (s = Skins, g = greenies, p = Long Putt, sgp = all games).

-        Team Championship Award:  Last year Embroidered Polo Shirts were presented to the League Champions.  This worked well and all agreed for this to remain the same for this year.

-        Scramble:  This worked well last year and will remain the same this year.

-        Outing:  Number of golfers at the Outing was low last year.  Cost being one of the big concerns.  Outing Committee will look into planning early and possibly include dinner and cutting extras.

-        Tee Off Markers:  No changes to tee off marker rules.  Anyone changing tees need to request prior to 1st golf. 


·        Committees:


                        Rules:  Lee Crouch, Chuck Reckers, Charles Halpin


                                Year End Scramble:  Ray Vaughn & Charlie Halpin


                        Outing Committee:  Jim Bramlage, Brian Anderson.


                        Herm Lorenz Award:  Lee Crouch, Chuck Reckers, Charles Halpin, & last year’s recipient (Ray Vaughn).


                                Jerry Joesting (MVP) Award:  Lee Crouch, Chuck Reckers, Charles Halpin


·       Meeting Adjourn – 7:10 p.m.


·       Thanks to Mark Halpin and the Space Cowboy Restaurant Group for allowing us to have our meeting at Donatos.  And special thanks to the Donatos staff.



Recorded by: 

Charles Halpin

League Secretary